how to get the ip address in the "SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED" event?

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how to get the ip address in the "SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED" event?

Postby shadowkane » Thu May 09, 2019 10:52 pm

in the ESP32 documentation the event id "SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED" has no data struction. but at the moment the esp32(running as softAP) assigns a new IP to the connected station it shows up in the serial monitor, so i guess it's possible to get that IP unless it's just an log(print) output from the dhcp function that assigns those IPs. but i don't know how or even if it's really possible to do that, i mean to get that IP.
i was thinking about using the dhcp_ip_search_on_mac function passing the mac address stored in event_info.sta_connected.mac, which is the data struction for the event id "SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED", but i was wondering if it's right or doable to do that, (in case of many stations wants to connect to ESP at the same time, so may the mac address stored in the event_info.sta_connected.mac is for another station and not for the station that just get a new IP address from the DHCP). hope i was clear about my question!
Any help or suggestion will be helpful, Thank you!

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