Concurrent socket usage from multiple tasks

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Concurrent socket usage from multiple tasks

Postby kolban » Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:49 pm

We are now starting to get into what I would consider to be more advanced concepts. Here is one I put forward to us as a community ... are sockets thread safe with respect to reading and writing?

Imagine I have a FreeRTOS task that invokes a socket recv() API call and is blocked waiting for incoming TCP data. Now imagine a second task that is running in parallel to the first. Is this second task allowed to make a TCP send() API call on the SAME socket while the other task is blocked on a recv()?
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Re: Concurrent socket usage from multiple tasks

Postby ESP_Angus » Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:39 am

Yes, this should work. The receiving task will remain blocked until the other end of the TCP connection has sent data.

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