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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:11 am
by cnfzcsl
The project plans to use ESP32-S2 to deploy a WIFI-MESH network as a positioning node in a building. The technical solution adopted is that the smart watch (implemented by ESP32-S2) first joins the WIFI-MESH network to obtain the routing table of the MESH network, and then uses the FTM technology to measure the distance between the smart watch and each node in the MESH network to achieve positioning. The currently tested version is v4.4-dev-4-g73db14240, and execution of esp_wifi_ftm_initiate_session cannot be successful. My question is, does the ESP-IDF framework support this technical solution? Thank you!

Re: FTM是否可以用于WIFI-MESH网络?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:59 am
by ESP_sagar
Currently, we do not support FTM with MESH. However, given MESH is dependent on SoftAP + STA functionality we may consider adding it for MESH. For your use-case though, are you assuming multi-hop support ("to measure the distance between the smart watch and each node in the MESH network") ?