esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

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esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

Postby GOT666 » Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:01 pm

Can some one explain me why I need to return fb (esp_camera_fb_return(fb) ) AFTER using the buffer?
Give me nice (as esp32cam can) jpeg:

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static esp_err_t stream1_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {

  esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
  res = httpd_resp_set_type(req, _STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "X-Framerate", "60");

  while (true)  {
    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    _timestamp.tv_sec = fb->timestamp.tv_sec;
    _timestamp.tv_usec = fb->timestamp.tv_usec;
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, _STREAM_BOUNDARY, strlen(_STREAM_BOUNDARY));
    size_t hlen = snprintf((char *)part_buf, 128, _STREAM_PART, _jpg_buf_len, _timestamp.tv_sec, _timestamp.tv_usec);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)part_buf, hlen);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)_jpg_buf, _jpg_buf_len);

    esp_camera_fb_return(fb); // NO PROBLEM
    fb = NULL;
    _jpg_buf = NULL;

    if (res != ESP_OK) break;
  return res;

Give me crappy jpeg:

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static esp_err_t stream1_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {

  esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
  res = httpd_resp_set_type(req, _STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "X-Framerate", "60");

  while (true)  {
    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    _timestamp.tv_sec = fb->timestamp.tv_sec;
    _timestamp.tv_usec = fb->timestamp.tv_usec;
     esp_camera_fb_return(fb); //PROBLEM
    fb = NULL;
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, _STREAM_BOUNDARY, strlen(_STREAM_BOUNDARY));
    size_t hlen = snprintf((char *)part_buf, 128, _STREAM_PART, _jpg_buf_len, _timestamp.tv_sec, _timestamp.tv_usec);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)part_buf, hlen);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)_jpg_buf, _jpg_buf_len);

    _jpg_buf = NULL;

    if (res != ESP_OK) break;
  return res;
In my project i want to use sometime the same frame twice (one for the stream and one reduce size and compare after( take 100~400ms))
I try :

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size_t _jpg_buf_len;
size_t _jpg_buf_1_len;
uint8_t *_jpg_buf = NULL;
uint8_t *_jpg_buf_1= NULL;

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    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    _jpg_buf_1_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf_1 = fb->buf;


    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    _jpg_buf_1_len = _jpg_buf_len;
    _jpg_buf_1 = _jpg_buf;


   fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    memcpy(_jpg_buf_1, _jpg_buf , _jpg_buf_len );
In all case, when i call esp_camera_fb_return(fb) the not yet used buffer give me a hazardus glitch frame.

For the moment i use multiple camera_fb for each fonction

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camera_fb_t *fb = NULL;
camera_fb_t *fb_1 = NULL;
But i lose in frame rate and power.


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Re: esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

Postby ESP_Sprite » Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:01 am

esp_camera_fb_return tells the camera driver that it's free to re-use the memory associated for anything else it wants, including writing a new picture to it, so yeah, that'll show up as corruption; while you send out the old picture, the driver is already writing a new picture there.

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Re: esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

Postby GOT666 » Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:00 am

ESP_Sprite wrote:
Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:01 am
esp_camera_fb_return tells the camera driver that it's free to re-use the memory associated for anything else it wants, including writing a new picture to it, so yeah, that'll show up as corruption; while you send out the old picture, the driver is already writing a new picture there.
But i not sure to hunderstend:

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    camera_fb_t *fb = NULL;
    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
    fb = NULL;
Where ( or in what?) should i have to copy the frame buffer to keep it ?

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Re: esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

Postby ESP_Sprite » Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:19 am

Code: Select all

_jpg_buf = fb->buf
This sets a _jpg_buf to a *pointer* to the framebuffer memory; the memory itself still is located in fb (and as such gets corrupted after you return it). You would have to memcpy() this data into a buffer of your own instead.

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Re: esp32cam & esp_camera_fb_return(fb) & jpeg glitch

Postby GOT666 » Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:25 am

ESP_Sprite wrote:
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:19 am
the memory itself still is located in fb
I should copy the frame buffer in a pointer that i copy in another pointer.
Why i don't think about it ...

My new test code:

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 size_t buf_buf_len;
 uint8_t *buf_buf = NULL;

static esp_err_t stream3_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
  size_t _jpg_buf_len;
  uint8_t *_jpg_buf = NULL;
  esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
  res = httpd_resp_set_type(req, _STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "X-Framerate", "60");

  while (true)  {
    unsigned long debut = millis();
    fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
    if (!fb) res = ESP_FAIL;
    _jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
    _jpg_buf = fb->buf;
//    if(poursuite){    }
    buf_buf_len = _jpg_buf_len;
    buf_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(buf_buf_len);
    unsigned long debut_memcpy = micros();
    memcpy( buf_buf, _jpg_buf, _jpg_buf_len);
    unsigned long fin_memcpy = micros();
    Serial.println((String)"the_memcpy: " + (fin_memcpy-debut_memcpy) + (String)" us");
    _timestamp.tv_sec = fb->timestamp.tv_sec;
    _timestamp.tv_usec = fb->timestamp.tv_usec;
    _jpg_buf = NULL;
    fb = NULL;
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, _STREAM_BOUNDARY, strlen(_STREAM_BOUNDARY));
    size_t hlen = snprintf((char *)part_buf, 128, _STREAM_PART, buf_buf_len, _timestamp.tv_sec, _timestamp.tv_usec);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)part_buf, hlen);
    res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)buf_buf, buf_buf_len);

    buf_buf = NULL;
    unsigned long fin = millis();
    Serial.println((String)"the_while: " + (fin-debut) + (String)" ms");
    if (res != ESP_OK){
      _jpg_buf = NULL;
      fb = NULL;
      buf_buf = NULL;
  return res;
1600 * 1200 :
-> the_while: 286 ms
-> the_memcpy: 15060 us

800 * 600
-> the_while: 77 ms
-> the_memcpy: 3043 us

Now I hunderstend and can use my copied frame in other task .

My problem was :

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_jpg_buf = fb->buf;
The solution is :

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memcpy( buf_buf, _jpg_buf, _jpg_buf_len);
Merci beaucoup !

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