ESP8266 A0 Pin reading

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ESP8266 A0 Pin reading

Postby lazyazian » Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:14 pm

I'm trying to read the current using a ACS712 5A model, but when I go to trying to get the values the ADC doesn't change unless I remove the pin entirely.I'm not sure why maybe something is wired wrong. This is a quick schematic using KiCad I have the development board, but this is the closing thing I had at the moment to make somewhat of a fritzing. There's also a multimeter in series with this circuit. I'm assuming my load is the LED and resistor. I'm trying to read the current flowing in the system any help is appreciated.
Picture1.png (45.21 KiB) Viewed 530 times

Code: Select all

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  //Start Serial Monitor to display current read value on Serial monitor

void loop() {
  int sampSize = 500;
  float AcsValue = 0.0, Samples = 0.0, AvgAcs = 0.0, AcsValueF = 0.0;
  for (int x = 0; x < sampSize; x++) {  //Get 150 samples
    AcsValue = analogRead(A0);          //Read current sensor values
    Samples += AcsValue;                //Add samples together
    // delay(3);                           // let ADC settle before following sample 3ms
  AvgAcs = Samples / sampSize;  //Taking Average of SampleMs
  AcsValueF = (((AvgAcs / 1023.0) * 4096)) / 185;
  // AcsValueF = (((AvgAcs / 1023.0) * 4.096) - 2.048) * 0.100;

  // Serial.println(AcsValueF);  //Print the read current on Serial monitor

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