tud_midi_available() not working

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tud_midi_available() not working

Postby natee.th » Wed Jun 07, 2023 4:43 am

tud_midi_available() not working

I tried using tusb midi and found that it works fine to sending MIDI message . But when I want to receive the data it doesn't work

till I try to print out the status It's not show anything. While I can still send MIDI message normally.

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static void midi_task_read_example(void *arg)
// The MIDI interface always creates input and output port/jack descriptors
// regardless of these being used or not. Therefore incoming traffic should be read
// (possibly just discarded) to avoid the sender blocking in IO
uint8_t packet[4];
bool read = false;
for (;;)
while (tud_midi_available())
read = tud_midi_packet_read(packet);
if (read)

        printf(" Data: %02hhX %02hhX %02hhX %02hhX\n", packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3]);
        // ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Read - Time (ms since boot): %lld, Data: %02hhX %02hhX %02hhX %02hhX",
        //          esp_timer_get_time(), packet[0], packet[1], packet[2], packet[3]);

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