Strange TFT LCD problem

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Strange TFT LCD problem

Postby brisk5181 » Thu May 31, 2018 10:21 pm

I have an ili9488 based LCD, using 4 wire spi mode. lib is Bomder TFT_eSPI.

This is the pin assignment:

Code: Select all

#define TFT_MOSI  4
#define TFT_MISO 34
#define TFT_SCLK  2 
#define TFT_CS    5
#define TFT_DC   14
#define TFT_RST  12
#define TOUCH_CS 15
Same source code, if I connect it directly to a Doit Kit, I can run sample code on it, (will the lib doesn't support 18bit color, that is a different problem), at least I can see things happening on the LCD.

I also build my hardware with other components on the board, so if I install the LCD on my own ESP32 based hardware, all I see is white background, nothing else.

So at this point, you would think my hardware has problem. I would think so... but then, if I install a RPi based 3.5 inch LCD (ili9488) on my hardware, use same pin configuration, everything is the same, except LCD, then it works! So if my hardware has problems, then this wouldn't work.

Any ideas?

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