BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:53 am

BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby yekun1996 » Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:55 am

Windows PowerShell
版权所有 (C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

尝试新的跨平台 PowerShell

PS D:\ESP32_IDF\blufi> D:\ESP32_IDF\.espressif\python_env\idf4.4_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe d:\ESP32_IDF\esp-idf\tools\ -p COM8 monitor
Executing action: monitor
Running idf_monitor in directory d:\esp32_idf\blufi
Executing "D:\ESP32_IDF\.espressif\python_env\idf4.4_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe d:\ESP32_IDF\esp-idf\tools/ -p COM8 -b 115200 --toolchain-prefix xtensa-esp32-elf- d:\esp32_idf\blufi\build\blufi_demo.elf -m 'D:\ESP32_IDF\.espressif\python_env\idf4.4_py3.8_env\Scripts\python.exe' 'd:\ESP32_IDF\esp-idf\tools\' '-p' 'COM8'"...
--- WARNING: GDB cannot open serial ports accessed as COMx
--- Using \\.\COM8 instead...
--- idf_monitor on \\.\COM8 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
0x40080400: _init at ??:?

entry 0x40080678
I (27) boot: ESP-IDF v4.4-dev-744-g1cb31e5094 2nd stage bootloader
I (27) boot: compile time 11:22:03
I (27) boot: chip revision: 1
I (31) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (39) boot.esp32: SPI Speed : 40MHz
I (43) boot.esp32: SPI Mode : DIO
I (48) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (52) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (58) boot: Partition Table:
I (61) boot: ## Label Usage Type ST Offset Length
I (69) boot: 0 nvs WiFi data 01 02 00009000 00006000
I (76) boot: 1 phy_init RF data 01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (83) boot: 2 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00100000
I (91) boot: End of partition table
I (95) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. application chip revision: 0
I (102) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00010020 vaddr=3f400020 size=242b8h (148152) map
I (167) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=000342e0 vaddr=3ffbdb60 size=04d60h ( 19808) load
I (175) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=00039048 vaddr=40080000 size=06fd0h ( 28624) load
I (187) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00040020 vaddr=400d0020 size=ad790h (710544) map
I (456) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=000ed7b8 vaddr=40086fd0 size=16d70h ( 93552) load
I (496) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=00104530 vaddr=50000000 size=00010h ( 16) load
I (512) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (512) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (524) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (524) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40081334
0x40081334: call_start_cpu1 at D:/ESP32_IDF/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:158

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (540) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (540) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000
I (541) cpu_start: Application information:
I (545) cpu_start: Project name: blufi_demo
I (550) cpu_start: App version: 1
I (555) cpu_start: Compile time: Apr 12 2021 11:21:00
I (561) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: 04e69aaa382b36eb...
I (567) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.4-dev-744-g1cb31e5094
I (573) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (580) heap_init: At 3FFAFF10 len 000000F0 (0 KiB): DRAM
I (586) heap_init: At 3FFB6388 len 00001C78 (7 KiB): DRAM
I (592) heap_init: At 3FFB9A20 len 00004108 (16 KiB): DRAM
I (599) heap_init: At 3FFC9640 len 000169C0 (90 KiB): DRAM
I (605) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (611) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (618) heap_init: At 4009DD40 len 000022C0 (8 KiB): IRAM
I (625) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (628) spi_flash: flash io: dio
I (634) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (729) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffcf598, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (729) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (729) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
I (749) wifi:wifi firmware version: 4809a2e
I (749) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (749) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (749) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (759) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (759) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (769) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (769) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
I (779) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (779) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 10
I (779) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (789) wifi_init: rx ba win: 6
I (789) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (799) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
I (799) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
I (799) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
I (809) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
I (809) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (819) wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled
I (819) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
I (829) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
I (939) wifi:mode : sta (24:6f:28:ad:c7:48)
I (939) wifi:enable tsf
I (939) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [bc2e043]
I (949) wifi:new:<2,1>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<2,1>, prof:1
I (949) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (969) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
I (1019) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (1199) wifi:connected with DaYan2019, aid = 11, channel 2, 40U, bssid = fc:7c:02:b3:a1:9e
I (1199) wifi:security: WPA2-PSK, phy: bgn, rssi: -41
I (1209) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (1219) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 1
I (1269) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BD ADDR: 24:6f:28:ad:c7:4a


I (1269) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI init finish

I (2219) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (2219) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI BLE is not connected yet

W (3579) wifi:<ba-add>idx:0 (ifx:0, fc:7c:02:b3:a1:9e), tid:0, ssn:0, winSize:64
I (7499) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (37469) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (44309) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (74339) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (109349) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (139349) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (139429) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (169459) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (169539) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (199509) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (200569) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (230689) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (233729) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (263699) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (263759) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (293879) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

I (293949) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

I (323979) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

Posts: 786
Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:45 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby ESP_Gargamel » Mon Apr 12, 2021 6:29 am

用 examples/bluetooth/bluedroid/ble/blufi 试了下,没遇到问题。

2、在 menuconfig 里,是否有做过其他的配置?
3、能否在 Component config -> Bluetooth -> Bluedroid Options -> BT DEBUG LOG LEVEL,把 log 都放开,重新跑了后,提供 log 附件。

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:53 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby yekun1996 » Thu May 06, 2021 6:04 am

Last edited by yekun1996 on Fri May 07, 2021 2:02 am, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:53 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby yekun1996 » Thu May 06, 2021 6:30 am

1:没有使用其他手机配网,但是使用用这个手机在硬件重启的那一刻,可以连接蓝牙配网成功,推测可能重新后的一瞬间有蓝牙;使用其他ble app也验证了bl额,有时能扫到有时不能扫到,不知道什么原因esp32停止蓝牙广播?


3:所有bt_debug_log_level 使用verbose的(硬件使用esp-wroom-32)

I (93) boot: End of partition table
I (97) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. application chip revision: 0
I (105) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00010020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x2b000 (176128) map
I (181) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x0003b028 vaddr=0x3ffbdb60 size=0x03ee8 ( 16104) load
I (188) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x0003ef18 vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x00404 ( 1028) load
0x40080000: _WindowOverflow4 at D:/ESP32_IDF/esp-idf-v4.2.1/components/freertos/xtensa/xtensa_vectors.S:1730

I (188) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x0003f324 vaddr=0x40080404 size=0x00cf4 ( 3316) load
I (198) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00040020 vaddr=0x400d0020 size=0xb06b0 (722608) map
0x400d0020: _stext at ??:?

I (480) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x000f06d8 vaddr=0x400810f8 size=0x1c930 (117040) load
0x400810f8: xt_highint4 at D:/ESP32_IDF/esp-idf-v4.2.1/components/esp_system/port/esp32/dport_panic_highint_hdl.S:115

I (548) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x10000
I (548) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (548) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (552) cpu_start: Application information:
I (557) cpu_start: Project name: blufi_demo
I (562) cpu_start: App version: v4.2.1-dirty
I (567) cpu_start: Compile time: May 6 2021 13:56:54
I (573) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256: c285ae7b90f38095...
I (579) cpu_start: ESP-IDF: v4.2.1-dirty
I (585) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x400818d4
0x400818d4: call_start_cpu1 at D:/ESP32_IDF/esp-idf-v4.2.1/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:287

I (0) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (595) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (602) heap_init: At 3FFAFF10 len 000000F0 (0 KiB): DRAM
I (608) heap_init: At 3FFB6388 len 00001C78 (7 KiB): DRAM
I (614) heap_init: At 3FFB9A20 len 00004108 (16 KiB): DRAM
I (620) heap_init: At 3FFCB300 len 00014D00 (83 KiB): DRAM
I (626) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (633) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (639) heap_init: At 4009DA28 len 000025D8 (9 KiB): IRAM
I (645) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (664) spi_flash: detected chip: generic
I (664) spi_flash: flash io: dio
I (665) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (747) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffcf7ac, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (747) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (747) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
I (767) wifi:wifi firmware version: c44a5e7
I (767) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (767) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (767) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (767) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (777) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (777) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (787) wifi:Init dynamic tx buffer num: 32
I (787) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (797) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 10
I (797) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 32
I (807) wifi_init: rx ba win: 6
I (807) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (807) wifi_init: udp mbox: 6
I (817) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 6
I (817) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 5744
I (817) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 5744
I (827) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (827) wifi_init: WiFi IRAM OP enabled
I (837) wifi_init: WiFi RX IRAM OP enabled
I (837) phy_init: phy_version 4660,0162888,Dec 23 2020
I (947) wifi:mode : sta (24:6f:28:ad:c7:48)
I (947) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [a4c513b]
I (957) phy_init: phy_version 4660,0162888,Dec 23 2020
D (1207) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 0 0 0x0

D (1207) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 0 0 0x0

D (1207) BT_BTC: btc_main_call_handler act 0

D (1207) BT_APPL: Enable HCI

D (1217) BT_OSI: alarm_cbs_lookfor_available 0 0x3ffc51c8

D (1217) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (1227) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (1227) BT_BTM: btm_acl_init

D (1237) BT_L2CAP: L2CA_RegisterFixedChannel() CID: 0x0004, 0x3ffd8570
I (1237) BT_GATT: GATT_Register
D (1247) BT_GATT: UUID=[0x81818181818181818181818181818181]
I (1247) BT_GATT: allocated gatt_if=1

I (1257) BT_GATT: GATT_StartIf gatt_if=1
D (1257) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda start_idx=0
D (1267) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda found=0 found_idx=4
I (1277) BT_GATT: GATTS_CreateService

D (1277) BT_GATT: allocate_svc_db_buf allocating extra buffer
D (1287) BT_GATT: gatts_init_service_db

D (1287) BT_GATT: s_hdl = 1 num_handle = 5

D (1287) BT_GATT: add_service_declaration
D (1297) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1297) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0001] uuid16 = [0x2800] perm=0x01

D (1307) BT_GATT: GATTS_CreateService: handle of service handle1
D (1317) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x0 property=0x20

D (1317) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1327) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0002] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (1327) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1337) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0003] uuid16 = [0x2a05] perm=0x00

D (1337) BT_GATT: gatt_profile_db_init: handle of service changed3

D (1347) BT_GATT: gatts_add_char_descr uuid=0x2902

D (1347) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1357) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0004] uuid16 = [0x2902] perm=0x11

I (1367) BT_GATT: GATTS_StartService
D (1367) BT_GATT: total buffer in db [1]
D (1367) BT_GATT: allocated i_sreg=0

D (1377) BT_GATT: s_hdl=1 e_hdl=5 type=0x2800 svc_inst=0 sdp_hdl=0x0

D (1377) BT_GATT: gatt_profile_db_init: gatt_if=1 start status0

D (1387) BT_BTM: btm_ble_init
D (1387) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (1397) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (1407) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
I (1407) BT_GATT: GATT_Register
D (1417) BT_GATT: UUID=[0x82828282828282828282828282828282]
I (1417) BT_GATT: allocated gatt_if=2

I (1427) BT_GATT: GATT_StartIf gatt_if=2
D (1427) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda start_idx=0
D (1437) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda found=0 found_idx=4
I (1437) BT_GATT: GATTS_CreateService

D (1447) BT_GATT: allocate_svc_db_buf allocating extra buffer
D (1447) BT_GATT: gatts_init_service_db

D (1457) BT_GATT: s_hdl = 20 num_handle = 9

D (1457) BT_GATT: add_service_declaration
D (1467) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1467) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0014] uuid16 = [0x2800] perm=0x01

D (1477) BT_GAP: gap_attr_db_init service_handle = 20
D (1477) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x1 property=0x2

D (1487) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1487) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0015] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (1497) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1497) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0016] uuid16 = [0x2a00] perm=0x01

D (1507) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x1 property=0x2

D (1517) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1517) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0017] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (1527) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1527) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0018] uuid16 = [0x2a01] perm=0x01

D (1537) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x1 property=0x2

D (1547) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1547) BT_GATT: allocate_svc_db_buf allocating extra buffer
D (1557) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0019] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (1557) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (1567) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x001a] uuid16 = [0x2aa6] perm=0x01

I (1567) BT_GATT: GATTS_StartService
D (1577) BT_GATT: total buffer in db [2]
D (1577) BT_GATT: allocated i_sreg=1

D (1587) BT_GATT: s_hdl=20 e_hdl=28 type=0x2800 svc_inst=0 sdp_hdl=0x0

D (1587) BT_GAP: GAP App gatt_if: 2 s_hdl = 20 start_status=0
D (1597) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 0 2 0x0

D (1597) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 0 2 0x0

D (1607) BT_BTC: btc_main_call_handler act 2

D (1607) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x100

D (1617) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x0
D (1617) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x0

D (1617) BT_APPL: bta_sys_sm_execute state:0, event:0x0

D (1627) BT_APPL: bta_sys_hw_api_enable for 0, active modules 0x0001

D (1637) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x1

D (1637) BT_APPL: bta_sys_sm_execute state:1, event:0x1

D (1647) BT_APPL: bta_sys_hw_evt_enabled for 0

D (1647) BT_BTM: btm_acl_device_down

D (1657) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1657) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1667) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1667) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1677) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1677) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1687) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1687) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1687) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1697) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1697) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1707) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1707) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1717) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1717) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1727) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1727) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1737) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1737) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1747) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1747) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1747) BT_BTM: BTM Register For VSEvents is successfully
D (1757) BT_BTM: btm_ble_white_list_init white_list_size = 12
D (1757) BT_L2CAP: num_lm_ble_bufs = 10
D (1767) BT_BTM: btm_decode_ext_features_page page: 0
D (1767) BT_BTM: Local supported ACL packet types: 0xcc18
D (1777) BT_BTM: Local supported SCO packet types: 0x003d
D (1777) BT_BTM: btm_sec_dev_reset sec mode: 2

I (1787) BT_BTM: BTM_SetInquiryMode

D (1787) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc45

I (1797) BT_BTM: BTM_SetPageScanType

D (1797) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1807) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1807) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc47

I (1817) BT_BTM: BTM_SetInquiryScanType

D (1817) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1827) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1827) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc43

D (1837) BT_BTM: btm_decode_ext_features_page page: 1
D (1837) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1847) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1847) BT_BTM: btm_decode_ext_features_page page: 2
D (1857) BT_APPL: bta_sys_hw_btm_cback was called with parameter: 0
D (1857) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2

D (1867) BT_APPL: bta_sys_sm_execute state:1, event:0x2

D (1867) BT_APPL: bta_sys_hw_evt_stack_enabled!notify the callers

D (1877) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sys_hw_cback with event: 1
D (1877) BT_APPL: bta_sys_free_timer expected alarm was not in bta alarm hash map.
D (1887) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc24

D (1897) BT_BTM: BTM_SetDefaultLinkSuperTout

D (1897) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1897) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1907) BT_BTM: BTM: BTM_WritePageTimeout: Timeout: 8192.
D (1907) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc18

D (1917) BT_BTM: BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy setting:0x000f

D (1917) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1927) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1927) BT_BTM: BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy hold not supported (settings: 0x000d)

D (1937) BT_BTM: BTM_SetDefaultLinkPolicy park not supported (settings: 0x0005)

D (1947) BT_BTM: Set DefaultLinkPolicy:0x0005

D (1947) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x80f

D (1957) BT_BTM: BTM_RegBusyLevelNotif

D (1957) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1967) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1967) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc14

D (1977) BT_OSI: alarm_cbs_lookfor_available 1 0x3ffc51e0

D (1977) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (1987) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (1987) BT_OSI: osi_alarm_cancel failed to stop timer, err 0x103

D (1997) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 0 0x3ffd8420

D (1997) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 0 0x3ffd9a6c

D (2007) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 0

D (2017) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x102

D (2017) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x2
D (2017) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc13

I (2027) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BD ADDR: 24:6f:28:ad:c7:4a

D (2027) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2037) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt


D (2047) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 7 0 0x0

D (2047) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 7 0 0x0

D (2057) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2000

D (2057) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_enable: num of handle range added=0
D (2067) BT_GATT: gatt_init_srv_chg
V (2067) BT_APPL: register application first_unuse rcb_idx = 0
I (2077) BT_GATT: GATT_Register
D (2077) BT_GATT: UUID=[0xffff]
I (2077) BT_GATT: allocated gatt_if=3

D (2087) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = 0

D (2087) BT_BLUFI: REG: status 0, app_uuid ffff, gatt_if 3

D (2097) BT_BLUFI: blufi_profile_cb 115

D (2097) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2001

I (2107) BT_GATT: GATT_StartIf gatt_if=3
D (2107) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda start_idx=0
D (2117) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda found=0 found_idx=4
D (2117) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2003

D (2127) BT_APPL: create service rcb_idx = 0
I (2127) BT_GATT: GATTS_CreateService

D (2137) BT_GATT: gatt_add_pending_new_srv_start
D (2137) BT_GATT: enqueue a new pending new srv start
D (2147) BT_GATT: Add a new srv chg item

D (2147) BT_GATT: allocate_svc_db_buf allocating extra buffer
D (2157) BT_GATT: gatts_init_service_db

D (2157) BT_GATT: s_hdl = 40 num_handle = 6

D (2167) BT_GATT: add_service_declaration
D (2167) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2167) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0028] uuid16 = [0x2800] perm=0x01

D (2177) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = 7

D (2177) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2006

D (2187) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id service_id=40
D (2187) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id found service cb index =0
D (2197) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x10 property=0x8

D (2207) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2207) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x0029] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (2217) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2217) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x002a] uuid16 = [0xff01] perm=0x10

D (2227) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = 9

D (2237) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2006

D (2237) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id service_id=40
D (2247) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id found service cb index =0
D (2247) BT_GATT: gatts_add_characteristic perm=0x1 property=0x12

D (2257) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2257) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x002b] uuid16 = [0x2803] perm=0x01

D (2267) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2267) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x002c] uuid16 = [0xff02] perm=0x01

D (2277) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = 9

D (2287) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2007

D (2287) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id service_id=40
D (2297) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id found service cb index =0
D (2297) BT_GATT: gatts_add_char_descr uuid=0x2902

D (2307) BT_GATT: allocate attr 20 bytes

D (2307) BT_GATT: allocate_svc_db_buf allocating extra buffer
D (2317) BT_GATT: =====> handle = [0x002d] uuid16 = [0x2902] perm=0x11

D (2317) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = a

D (2327) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 7 0 0x3ffd8534

D (2337) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x2009

D (2337) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id service_id=40
D (2347) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_find_srvc_cb_by_srvc_id found service cb index =0
I (2347) BT_GATT: GATTS_StartService
D (2357) BT_GATT: total buffer in db [2]
D (2357) BT_GATT: allocated i_sreg=2

D (2357) BT_GATT: s_hdl=40 e_hdl=45 type=0x2800 svc_inst=0 sdp_hdl=0x0

D (2367) BT_GATT: gatt_sr_is_new_srv_chg: Yes
D (2377) BT_GATT: gatt_proc_srv_chg
D (2377) BT_GATT: gatt_set_srv_chg
D (2377) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda start_idx=0
D (2387) BT_GATT: gatt_find_the_connected_bda found=0 found_idx=4
D (2387) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_start_service service_id= 40
D (2397) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = c

D (2397) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 7 0 0x3ffd97d0

I (2407) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI init finish

D (2407) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 1 0 0x3ffd5d18

D (2417) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 4 0 0x3ffd5d28

D (2427) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 1 0 0x3ffd99ac

D (2427) BT_BTC: btc_dev_call_handler act 0

D (2437) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x102

D (2437) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x2
D (2437) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc13

D (2447) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 4 0 0x3ffd9a5c

D (2447) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2457) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (2457) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_call_handler act 0

D (2467) BT_BTC: btc_to_bta_adv_data - In 16-UUID_data
D (2467) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x117

D (2477) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x17
D (2477) BT_BTM: BTM_BleWriteAdvData
D (2487) BT_BTM: btm_ble_build_adv_data
D (2487) BT_HCI: p_data[0] = 2

D (2487) BT_HCI: p_data[1] = 1

D (2497) BT_HCI: p_data[2] = 6

D (2497) BT_HCI: p_data[3] = d

D (2497) BT_HCI: p_data[4] = 9

D (2507) BT_HCI: p_data[5] = 42

D (2507) BT_HCI: p_data[6] = 4c

D (2507) BT_HCI: p_data[7] = 55

D (2517) BT_HCI: p_data[8] = 46

D (2517) BT_HCI: p_data[9] = 49

D (2517) BT_HCI: p_data[10] = 5f

D (2527) BT_HCI: p_data[11] = 44

D (2527) BT_HCI: p_data[12] = 45

D (2527) BT_HCI: p_data[13] = 56

D (2537) BT_HCI: p_data[14] = 49

D (2537) BT_HCI: p_data[15] = 43

D (2537) BT_HCI: p_data[16] = 45

D (2547) BT_HCI: p_data[17] = 2

D (2547) BT_HCI: p_data[18] = a

D (2557) BT_HCI: p_data[19] = 3

D (2557) BT_HCI: p_data[20] = 3

D (2557) BT_HCI: p_data[21] = 3

D (2567) BT_HCI: p_data[22] = ff

D (2567) BT_HCI: p_data[23] = ff

D (2567) BT_HCI: p_data[24] = 5

D (2577) BT_HCI: p_data[25] = 12

D (2577) BT_HCI: p_data[26] = 6

D (2577) BT_HCI: p_data[27] = 0

D (2587) BT_HCI: p_data[28] = 10

D (2587) BT_HCI: p_data[29] = 0

D (2587) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x2008

D (2597) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_arg_deep_free

D (2597) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2607) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (2607) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 4 0 0x3ffd84f0

D (2617) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 4 0 0x3ffd9ae0


D (2627) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 4 4 0x3ffd5d78

D (2627) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_cb_deep_free
D (2637) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 0
D (2637) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 4 4 0x3ffd9a5c

D (2647) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_call_handler act 4

D (2647) BT_BTC: API_Ble_AppStartAdvertising

I (2657) BT_APPL: BTA_DmSetBleAdvParamsAll: 80, 80

I (2657) BT_APPL: adv_type = 0, addr_type_own = 0, chnl_map = 7, adv_fil_pol = 0

D (2667) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x116

D (2667) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x16
D (2677) BT_BTM: BTM_BleSetAdvParamsAll

D (2677) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (2687) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_arg_deep_free

D (2687) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2697) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (2697) BT_BTM: update params for an active adv

D (2707) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x2006

D (2707) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 4

D (2707) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2717) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (2717) BT_APPL: bta_dm_ble_set_adv_params_all(), success to set ble adv params.
D (2727) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (2737) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2737) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (2747) BT_BTM: btm_ble_start_adv

D (2747) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (2757) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (2757) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt


D (2767) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 4 6 0x3ffd84e0

D (2767) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 4 6 0x3ffba6e0

D (2777) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_cb_deep_free
D (2777) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 6
D (4147) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0x3e

D (4147) BT_HCI: BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x0a)
D (4147) BT_BTM: status = 0, handle = 0, role = 1, bda_type = 1
D (4157) BT_BTM: btm_ble_connected
D (4157) BT_BTM: btm_sec_alloc_dev

I (4157) BT_BTM: BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [4a84f0ff77b5]

D (4167) BT_BTM: BTM_GetHCIConnHandle

D (4167) BT_BTM: BTM_GetHCIConnHandle

D (4177) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4177) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4187) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4197) BT_L2CAP: l2c_ble_link_adjust_allocation num_hipri: 0 num_lowpri: 1 low_quota: 10 round_robin_quota: 0 qq: 10
D (4207) BT_L2CAP: l2c_ble_link_adjust_allocation LCB 0 Priority: 0 XmitQuota: 10
D (4217) BT_L2CAP: SentNotAcked: 0 RRUnacked: 0
D (4217) BT_L2CAP: l2cu_allocate_ccb: cid 0x0000
D (4227) BT_HCI: btu_free_quick_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4227) BT_HCI: btu_free_quick_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4237) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (4247) BT_L2CAP: l2c_link_adjust_chnl_allocation
D (4247) BT_HCI: reassemble_and_dispatch

D (4257) BT_L2CAP: CID:0x0040 FCR Mode:0 Priority:2 TxDataRate:1 RxDataRate:1 Quota:20
D (4257) BT_BTM: btm_find_or_alloc_dev

D (4267) BT_BTM: btm_acl_created hci_handle=0 link_role=1 transport=2

D (4277) BT_BTM: conn_addr: RemBdAddr: 246f28adc74a

D (4277) BT_BTM: device_type=0x2

D (4277) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x41d

D (4287) BT_BTM: btm_bda_to_acl found

D (4287) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xf

D (4297) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xc

D (4297) BT_BTM: btm_establish_continue

D (4307) BT_BTM: btm_acl_update_busy_level


D (4307) BT_L2CAP: l2cu_process_fixed_chnl_resp
D (4317) BT_GATT: GATT ATT protocol channel with BDA: 4a84f0ff77b5 is connected
D (4327) BT_GATT: gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (4327) BT_BTM: btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev() is_bonded=0

D (4337) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0x3e

D (4337) BT_GATT: gatt_set_ch_state: old=0 new=4
D (4347) BT_GATT: gatt_connect_cback: from 4a84f0ff77b5 connected:1 conn_id=1 reason = 0x0000
D (4357) BT_GATT: gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=4
I (4357) BT_GATT: GATT_GetConnIdIfConnected status=1

D (4367) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback gatt_if=3 conn_id=3 connected=1 reason = 0x0000
D (4377) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback bda :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (4377) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = e

I (4387) BT_BLUFI:
device is connected 4a:84:f0:ff:77:b5, server_if=3,reason=0x0,connect_id=3

D (4397) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 7 3 0x3ffd8434

D (4397) BT_GATT: gatt_num_apps_hold_link num=0
D (4407) BT_L2CAP: L2CAP - rcv_cid CID: 0x0004

D (4407) BT_GATT: gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=4
D (4417) BT_BTM: btm_read_remote_version_complete

D (4417) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x2016

D (4427) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (4427) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (4427) BT_BTM: BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures

D (4437) BT_APPL: bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0
D (4437) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 5 0x3ffd8470

I (4447) BT_L2CAP: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
D (4447) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (4457) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (4457) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 8 0x3ffd8470

D (4467) BT_HCI: BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x05)
D (4467) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 7 3 0x3ffbac50

I (4477) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

D (4477) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 4 5 0x0

D (4487) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 5 0x3ffbac78

D (4487) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 5

D (4497) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 8 0x3ffbad94

D (4497) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 8

D (4507) BT_BTC: btc_dm_sec_cback : unhandled event (8)

D (4507) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 4 5 0x0

D (4517) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_call_handler act 5

I (4517) BT_APPL: BTA_DmBleBroadcast: start = 0

D (4527) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x11b

D (4527) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x1b
D (4537) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (4537) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_arg_deep_free

D (4537) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (4547) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (4557) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 4 17 0x3ffd84f0

D (4557) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 5

D (4567) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 4 17 0x3ffbac78

D (4567) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_cb_deep_free
D (4577) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 17
D (12557) BT_OSI: TimerID 0x3ffc51c8

D (12557) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 9 128 0x3ffb7628

D (12557) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 9 128 0x3ffba8e4

D (12557) BT_BTC: btc_alarm_handler act 128

E (12567) BT_HCI: command_timed_out hci layer timeout waiting for response to a command. opcode: 0x2016
D (34307) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xf

D (34307) BT_OSI: osi_alarm_cancel failed to stop timer, err 0x103

D (34337) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0x5

D (34337) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34337) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34347) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34347) BT_L2CAP: l2cu_release_ccb: cid 0x0004 in_use: 1
D (34357) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34367) BT_GATT: GATT ATT protocol channel with BDA: 4a84f0ff77b5 is disconnected
D (34367) BT_GATT: gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (34377) BT_BTM: btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev() is_bonded=0

D (34387) BT_GATT: gatt_cleanup_upon_disc
D (34387) BT_GATT: found p_tcb
D (34387) BT_GATT: gatt_set_ch_state: old=4 new=0
D (34397) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34407) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (34407) BT_GATT: gatt_free_pending_ind
D (34417) BT_GATT: gatt_free_pending_enc_queue
D (34417) BT_GATT: gatt_free_pending_prepare_write_queue
D (34427) BT_GATT: found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=1 conn_id=0x1
D (34427) BT_GATT: gatt_connect_cback: from 4a84f0ff77b5 connected:0 conn_id=1 reason = 0x0013
D (34437) BT_GATT: gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=0
I (34447) BT_GATT: GATT_GetConnIdIfConnected status=0

D (34447) BT_GATT: found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=2 conn_id=0x2
D (34457) BT_GATT: found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=3 conn_id=0x3
D (34457) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback gatt_if=3 conn_id=3 connected=0 reason = 0x0019
D (34467) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback bda :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (34477) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = f

I (34477) BT_BLUFI:
device is disconnected 4a:84:f0:ff:77:b5, server_if=3,reason=0x13,connect_id=3

D (34487) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 7 4 0x3ffd83e4

D (34497) BT_GATT: gatt_delete_dev_from_srv_chg_clt_list
D (34497) BT_GATT: gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (34507) BT_GATT: ATT disconnected
D (34507) BT_BTM: btm_acl_removed

D (34517) BT_BTM: btm_bda_to_acl found

D (34517) BT_BTM: btm_acl_report_role_change

D (34527) BT_BTM: btm_acl_update_busy_level


D (34537) BT_BTM: acl hci_handle=0 transport=2 connectable_mode=0x0 link_role=1

D (34537) BT_BTM: before update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x80

D (34547) BT_BTM: LE link down

D (34547) BT_BTM: Not Bonded

D (34547) BT_BTM: after update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x80

D (34557) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (34557) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (34567) BT_BTM: btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code

D (34567) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 6 0x3ffd8470

I (34577) BT_L2CAP: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
D (34587) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (34587) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (34587) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 8 0x3ffd8470

D (34597) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 7 4 0x3ffba180

I (34607) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble disconnect

D (34607) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 4 4 0x3ffd5d28

D (34617) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 6 0x3ffba680

D (34617) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 6

D (34627) BT_BTC: btc_dm_sec_cback : unhandled event (6)

D (34627) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 8 0x3ffba8e4

D (34637) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 8

D (34637) BT_BTC: btc_dm_sec_cback : unhandled event (8)

D (34647) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 4 4 0x3ffba79c

D (34647) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_call_handler act 4

D (34657) BT_BTC: API_Ble_AppStartAdvertising

I (34657) BT_APPL: BTA_DmSetBleAdvParamsAll: 80, 80

I (34667) BT_APPL: adv_type = 0, addr_type_own = 0, chnl_map = 7, adv_fil_pol = 0

D (34677) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x116

D (34677) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x16
D (34687) BT_BTM: BTM_BleSetAdvParamsAll

D (34687) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (34697) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_arg_deep_free

D (34697) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (34707) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (34707) BT_BTM: update params for an active adv

D (34717) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x2006

D (34717) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 4

D (34717) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (34727) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (34727) BT_APPL: bta_dm_ble_set_adv_params_all(), success to set ble adv params.
D (34737) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (34747) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (34747) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (34757) BT_BTM: btm_ble_start_adv

D (34757) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (34767) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (34767) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt


D (34777) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 4 6 0x3ffd84e0

D (34777) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 4 6 0x3ffba74c

D (34787) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_cb_deep_free
D (34787) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 6
D (36027) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0x3e

D (36027) BT_HCI: BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x0a)
D (36027) BT_BTM: status = 0, handle = 0, role = 1, bda_type = 1
D (36027) BT_BTM: btm_ble_connected
D (36037) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36037) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36047) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36057) BT_L2CAP: l2c_ble_link_adjust_allocation num_hipri: 0 num_lowpri: 1 low_quota: 10 round_robin_quota: 0 qq: 10
D (36067) BT_L2CAP: l2c_ble_link_adjust_allocation LCB 0 Priority: 0 XmitQuota: 10
D (36077) BT_L2CAP: SentNotAcked: 0 RRUnacked: 0
D (36077) BT_L2CAP: l2cu_allocate_ccb: cid 0x0000
D (36087) BT_HCI: btu_free_quick_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36097) BT_HCI: btu_free_quick_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36097) BT_HCI: btu_free_timer Unable to find expected alarm in hashmap
D (36107) BT_L2CAP: l2c_link_adjust_chnl_allocation
D (36107) BT_L2CAP: CID:0x0041 FCR Mode:0 Priority:2 TxDataRate:1 RxDataRate:1 Quota:20
D (36117) BT_BTM: btm_find_or_alloc_dev

D (36127) BT_BTM: btm_acl_created hci_handle=0 link_role=1 transport=2

D (36127) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0xc35

D (36137) BT_HCI: reassemble_and_dispatch

D (36137) BT_BTM: conn_addr: RemBdAddr: 246f28adc74a

D (36147) BT_BTM: device_type=0x2

D (36147) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x41d

D (36157) BT_BTM: btm_bda_to_acl found

D (36157) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xf

D (36167) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xc

D (36167) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0x3e

D (36177) BT_BTM: btm_establish_continue

D (36177) BT_BTM: btm_acl_update_busy_level


D (36187) BT_L2CAP: l2cu_process_fixed_chnl_resp
D (36187) BT_GATT: GATT ATT protocol channel with BDA: 4a84f0ff77b5 is connected
D (36197) BT_GATT: gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (36207) BT_BTM: btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev() is_bonded=0

D (36207) BT_GATT: gatt_set_ch_state: old=0 new=4
D (36217) BT_GATT: gatt_connect_cback: from 4a84f0ff77b5 connected:1 conn_id=1 reason = 0x0000
D (36227) BT_GATT: gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=4
I (36227) BT_GATT: GATT_GetConnIdIfConnected status=1

D (36237) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback gatt_if=3 conn_id=3 connected=1 reason = 0x0000
D (36237) BT_APPL: bta_gatts_conn_cback bda :4a-84-f0-ff-77-b5
D (36247) BT_BLUFI: blufi profile cb event = e

I (36247) BT_BLUFI:
device is connected 4a:84:f0:ff:77:b5, server_if=3,reason=0x0,connect_id=3

D (36257) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 7 3 0x3ffd8434

D (36267) BT_GATT: gatt_num_apps_hold_link num=0
D (36277) BT_L2CAP: L2CAP - rcv_cid CID: 0x0004

D (36277) BT_GATT: gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=4
D (36277) BT_BTM: btm_read_remote_version_complete

D (36287) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x2016

D (36297) BT_HCI: BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x05)
D (36297) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (36297) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (36307) BT_BTM: BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures

D (36307) BT_APPL: bta_dm_acl_change info: 0x0
D (36317) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 5 0x3ffd8470

I (36317) BT_L2CAP: L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
D (36327) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x106

D (36327) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x6
D (36337) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 8 8 0x3ffd8470

D (36337) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 7 3 0x3ffbac3c

I (36347) BLUFI_EXAMPLE: BLUFI ble connect

D (36347) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 0 4 5 0x0

D (36357) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 5 0x3ffbac64

D (36357) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 5

D (36367) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 8 8 0x3ffbad80

D (36377) BT_BTC: btc_dm_upstreams_cback ev: 8

D (36377) BT_BTC: btc_dm_sec_cback : unhandled event (8)

D (36387) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 0 4 5 0x0

D (36387) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_call_handler act 5

I (36397) BT_APPL: BTA_DmBleBroadcast: start = 0

D (36397) BT_APPL: BTA got event 0x11b

D (36407) BT_APPL: bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x1b
D (36407) BT_HCI: HCI Enqueue Comamnd opcode=0x200a

D (36417) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_arg_deep_free

D (36417) BT_HCI: Receive packet event_code=0xe

D (36417) BT_HCI: btu_hcif_command_complete_evt

D (36427) BT_BTC: btc_transfer_context msg 1 4 17 0x3ffd84f0

D (36427) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 5

D (36437) BT_BTC: btc_thread_handler msg 1 4 17 0x3ffba928

D (36437) BT_BTC: btc_gap_ble_cb_deep_free[attachment=0]
D (36447) BT_BTC: Unhandled deep free 17

文件是idfv4.2.1的bluefi 和 编译后的bin文件
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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:45 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby ESP_Gargamel » Fri May 07, 2021 8:39 am

你好,试了你提供的 bin,没有遇到问题。你的 log 和我这边正常的 log 有些差异,我会让我们这边蓝牙同事再看一下。

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:53 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby yekun1996 » Fri May 14, 2021 2:20 am

ESP32 模块浸过一次水,可能里面那个元器件异常了,我换了硬件正常

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:52 pm

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby thiago.fraga » Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:57 pm

重新启动手机,然后重试。 我遇到了同样的问题,重启手机后问题就解决了。

Posts: 173
Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:04 am

Re: BLUFI 例程一直connect\disconnect 无法配网

Postby ESP_XuLZ » Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:02 am

thiago.fraga wrote:
Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:57 pm
重新启动手机,然后重试。 我遇到了同样的问题,重启手机后问题就解决了。
感谢回复,其他手机有没有遇到这个问题?或者重启手机之后后面仍然会遇到这个问题? 如果能再复现,可否提供下
esp-idf 版本、 bin 固件 和 出问题的日志

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